A series of quizzes about the stupidity we live by
A short sample of the performance
Stupidity is a term that seems to have great importance in current affairs, but it also seems to be a slippery term and it seems that anyone can call each other stupid according to their own definitions, or claim that each their own particular lack of wit is a radical and anti-elitist activism.
I have noticed however, that the ass seems to be an important bodypart, if you want to explain this stupidity – and if you for instance want to say about someone that they are being stupid you can say that they are just talking out of their ass, or event that they are being an asshole.
That’s the reason why, I literally put my ass on the line in various ass-puppet-theatres – and let this ass challenge audiences everywhere on their knowledge about stupidity and its history, ideologies, potentials and pitfalls.
So far my ass has developed quizzes about stupidities in words, art, economy, hubris and general contemporary and historical stupidities.
You can also book my ass for your party, event, conference or school!
write me on: info.at.talkingoutofmyass.com

A quiz about money and stupidity at Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg/ January 2018 – Foto: Niels Fabæk
4th grade from Vester Hassing School – making their own medals
after beating my ass in stupidity – February 2018

A Quiz about stupidity and hubris: installation and perfomances at
Overgaden – Institute of Contemporary Art Copenhagen,
April 2017,Part of the festival:The Victorious Icarus
-organised by Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen

A quiz about stupidity for Children/ Nordkraft, Aalborg – october 2016
(part of the festival “Performance Art for children” organised by Liveart DK)

You can also put your stupidity to the test in an ONLINE QUIZ.